CHINA. China has the maximum number of neighbours touching its border. The 14 countries touching its border are: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal. Russia . Russia has the second longest set of borders. The world's largest nation shares its borders with Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, and Poland. Lithuania and Poland only border Kaliningrad (a section separated from rest of the country), sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania. Brazil. World's fifth largest country, Brazil is surrounded by Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. Among these, Brazil shares 3,400 kilometres of land border with Bolivia. In total, it shares 14,691 kilometres long border with all its neighbours. Democratic Republic of Congo. ...