An acid attack involves the premeditated throwing of acid on
a victim, usually on her face. In addition to causing psychological trauma,
acid attacks result in severe pain, permanent disfigurement, subsequent
infections, and often blindness in one or both eyes. Perpetrators commit acid
attacks for a number of reasons, including revenge for refusal of a marriage
proposal or other romantic or sexual advances; land disputes; perceived
dishonor; and jealousy. While acid attacks are most prevalent in
Bangladesh, Cambodia, India and Pakistan, they have also been reported in
Afghanistan and in parts of Africa and Europe. Experts attribute the prevalence
of the practice in part to the easy availability of acids. As we all celebrate
women’s day on 8th March so it’s over duty to protect women’s. Since the 1990s, Bangladesh has been reporting the
highest number of attacks and highest incidence rates for women, with 3,512
Bangladeshi people acid attacked between 1999 and 2013, and in Pakistan acid attacks are
at an all-time high and increasing every year. The medical effects of acid attacks are extensive. As a
majority of acid attacks are aimed at the face the most notable effect of an
acid attack is the lifelong bodily disfigurement. According to the Acid Survival Foundation in
Pakistan, there is a high survival rate amongst victims of acid attacks.
Consequently, the victim is faced with physical challenges, which require
long-term surgical treatment, as well as psychological challenges, which
require in-depth intervention from psychologists and counselors at each stage of physical
recovery. These far-reaching effects on their lives impact their
psychological, social and economic viability in communities. If you
are the victim of an acid
attack or witness one taking place, it's important to act
as quickly as possible to minimize damage to the eyes, skin and surrounding
tissues. Urgent ... The most effective action to take is to try and flood the
burn with water to disperse the chemical and stop the
this acid damage a lot.
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